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HHA 2018
Inaugural Conference 

Why hold a conference?

To the owner of an historic house, it sometimes feels like it's ‘all obligation but no incentives’. Almost everyone who owns an historic house can tell a ‘war story’ of bureaucratic frustration, conditions that impose additional costs, delays, lack of information and demanding officialdom. Over the past 30 years there has been enormous growth and complexity in the so called ‘heritage industry’. Owners can be bewildered and intimidated by this array of expertise and process. Yet it is the owners who are often on the receiving end of decisions that arise from these processes. The conference heard from owners and others throughout Australia who told their own stories of successes, frustrations and failures. It also heard from state and local governments and experts in the field about what support currently exists. 

Inaugural Conference program

'Home, Heaven, Hell'
5-6 April, 2018
Conservatorium of Music, Sydney
HHA Conference 2018 Brochure Front cover

Conference speakers and presentations

Conference report

"It was refreshing to spend time with other historic house owners and know we’re not alone" 
Andrew Morphett, Anlaby, South Australia

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