Support the HHA
The Historic Houses Association of Australia is a registered charity and is fully independent of government.
Your donation plays an important part in helping us to secure a viable future for our heritage.
Donate to the HHA
Your donation supports the work of the organisation and provides valuable opportunities for the HHA to address community concerns about the protection and conservation of historic houses for future generations.
The HHA is endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR) which means that all donations over $2.00
are tax deductible and you will receive a receipt for your records.
Online Donations
To make a one-off donation to the HHA, please complete the following form and click on the 'proceed' button; this will take you to our secure online credit card payment portal.
All donations to the HHA of $2.00 or greater are tax deductible.
A tax receipt will be sent to the email address you provide.
By Post
Send your cheque (made payable) to:
Historic Houses Association of Australia
1A Carthona Ave,
By Phone
Call the HHA office on (02) 9252 5554 to make your donation by credit card.

Your generosity can make an important contribution to the promotion and preservation of Australia's historic houses. You can support the Historic Houses Association and create a lasting legacy by leaving a 'Gift in Will'.
When making a Will, the first priority is to talk to your loved ones about your intentions and let them know that leaving a gift to a charitable organisation is important to you. This can help to ensure that your personal legacy and wishes will be met. Your bequest will depend on your personal and family circumstances, and it is important to seek independent and professional advice. Following that, it’s easy to make a bequest to the Historic Houses Association - you can either include the bequest when you write or update your Will, or simply add one as a codicil to your existing Will.
Although we are unable to provide you with legal advice or directly assist you in writing your Will, we can provide you with key information to pass on to your solicitor or adviser.
To download a copy of our bequest information brochure, simply click on the button below. Alternatively, please contact us to arrange for a chat with a member of the HHA board. Your enquiry will be treated confidentially and without obligation.
If you have included a gift to the HHA in your Will, please let us know. We would welcome the opportunity to thank you personally for your support. Your privacy will be fully respected and the information you provide will remain strictly confidential.
The Jack Mundey Memorial Heritage Fund
“...we always need to be prepared to fight to keep our precious heritage.”
Jack Mundey
In tribute to our former Patron, Jack Mundey,
the Historic Houses Association of Australia has established
The Jack Mundey Memorial Heritage Fund to continue his vision in protecting, preserving and advocating for our precious built heritage.

Jack Mundey AO (1929-2020)
Our members first met Jack when he was appointed Chair of the Historic Houses Trust of NSW in 1995, a position he held until 2001, after which he became the Patron of our organisation. Thanks to his support and advocacy, along with that of his wife Judy, the HHA has been able to expand our reach and grow to become a national organisation that provides a platform for owners and managers of historic houses and heritage sites to have a voice and to educate the public about the importance of saving our built heritage for future generations.
The fund is used for scientific, cultural, artistic, conservation, education and research purposes for the protection of heritage houses and community places across Australia.
You can donate to the Jack Mundey Memorial Heritage Fund by any of the following methods:
donate online using the online donation form (above)
email enquiries@hha.net.au for our bank details
call the office (02) 9252 5554 to make a payment over the phone
send a cheque payable to Historic Houses Association of Australia, 1A Carthona Ave, Darling Point, NSW, 2027