Stone Projects
Based on years of experience Stone Projects offers technical, trade-based consultancy for custodians of older buildings, particularly those with stone restoration requirements.
As a stonemason and former member of the team at Bondi Stone, Richard Senior has worked with organisations such as The Historic Houses Trust, NSW National Parks and The Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority on heritage sites around Sydney. He has also worked on the restoration of The GPO Sydney and other significant buildings whilst with Gosford Quarries.
The use of traditional lime mortar has had a renaissance in the last decade and it is something Richard likes to encourage, especially in stone restoration work. Through membership of The Building Limes Forum (UK) he maintains an interest in technical developments and research in this area. He is also experience in treating salt and damp issues associated with stone and brickwork.
Richard works in NSW, VIC, TAS and can travel country-wide.